In the meantime here are some more wacky Npc's!
Giselle of Storn
Known as the rabbit princess among detractors,
Giselle is the sole owner of the Shrieking Orb, a tavern frequented by poets, scholarly snake readers and dabblers in the arcane.
She is an enthusiastic collector of slow pets and rabid political activist, seeking greater rights for the women of Vornheim. Women of means and status of course.
The Monkey ManOnce a famous street performer. Now too old for juggling and acrobatics, he tells stories to children. To adults too, if they can pay his price.
"Women are the future of Vornheim. Men are the future of nothing."
The Monkey Man
Nobody knows were the Monkey gets his news. Some speculate he has deals with the high class courtesans on the flower boats. Others believe he is the fabled beggar king, with a network of street urchins and deformed beggars raking in gossip and secrets. Maybe he works for the Wyvern himself.
He usually walks the streets unmolested, from dawn till dusk, bringing joy to kids everywhere and troubled sleep to men and women with secrets worth hiding.
"Mmm... let me think, how did that story go again..."